Child abuse or great parenting?

January 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

Sometimes it’s really hard to tell.  On the one hand, it’s hard to argue with results.  Pretty soon we’ll be swapping out our anglo corporate overlords for Chinese corporate overlords, and who’s to blame?  Those goddamn “tiger mothers”…the people responsible for those asian kids that kicked your ass in the spelling bee and the all your math classes.  These asian kids come to our country, and without even knowing the language, totally kick your white/black/brown ass in every academic subject you can think of.  Before you know it, you start questioning your western-ass.  “Maybe I’m not as special as I think I am?  Maybe mom was wrong?”  But before you kick that smarmy asian kids ass, just consider what an emotionally dysfunctional mess he will be, and all the money and time spent on therapy…which he’ll have plenty of because you’ll be working for him and so he can spend all day at his shrink.  And who’s to blame for your failures (besides your lazy and uneducated parents?)  Well, you!  because your lazy and getting uneducated too.  As a fun little exercise, substitute “nazi” in the article for “asian parents” and it works remarkably well…    

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior       Can a regimen of no playdates, no TV, no computer games and hours of music practice create happy kids? And what happens when they fight back?  

and for a counterpoint, here’s a whiner that complains about all the “emotional scars” that he got from his tiger mom.  I bet she’s gonna beat the shit out of him as soon as she hears about this one…

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